Gardaí to target serial shoplifters

GARDAÍ are looking at profiling serial ‘commercial’ shoplifters in the Newcastle West district who target “higher end” items in pharmacies, stealing goods with a value of up to €300.

Inspector Alan Cullen of Newcastle West Garda Division said there was plans to deal with serial offenders at Circuit Court level rather than the District Court.

Local councillors were also told that crime is generally down across the district, compared to the same time last year.

However, two issues still causing concern for Gardai in West Limerick, are shoplifting and criminal damage.


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“Last year the theft of quad bikes were at epidemic levels. We have had some success and the outcome is we have been able to stem this completely,” Inspector Cullen told this Wednesday’s Joint Policing Subcommittee meeting.

“Night patrols put in place in areas of the county also have had a positive effect with crimes in rural areas falling to zero almost immediately,” he explained.
