Tres Court’s 2018 Grand Prix winner: NEWS of the intercontinental awards for Tres Court International Film Festival 2018 is released by Ireland hosts, Alliance Francaise Limerick. Grand Prix winner is the American film ‘It’s All Right, It’s OK’ by American Jim Cummings whose life-saving hero (pictured), having applied CPR to a heart attack victim, is cuffed and hauled off for the criminal he is. Orginality Award went to ‘I am Here’ by Canadian film maker Eoin Duffy.
The Animation Award to the brilliantly brief goat cartoon, ‘La Légende de la chevre qui connaissiat le vrai sens de la montagne’.
The Canal+ channel sponsored Award went to ‘The Wedding’ by UK’s Blaine Brothers – joint infidelities are revealed at the altar. Special mentions to ‘Big Data’ from Spain and France’s ‘Preliminares’ about a date overwrought by PC propriety.
Limerick’s favourite ‘Happiness’ won the Public Award. Steve Cutts of Britain made that animated dig at rat-race living. Women’s Right Award went to ‘Les Passantes’ by Charlotte Abromaow, based in France.
Literary matters at City Library: LIMERICK Writers’ Centre moves its monthly ‘On the Nail’ gathering that is open to all to Thursday June 28 and a new venue, Limerick City Library at The Granary.
Dominic Taylor of the centre welcomes guest readers Eileen Sheehan and Stephanie Conn.
From Sliabh Luachra in Kerry, Sheehan has read at The Shanghai Literary Festival; the ACIS Conference in Iowa and Cork International Poetry Festival. Anthology publications include The Watchful Heart: A New Generation of Irish Poets (editor Joan McBreen/ Salmon Poetry); Best Loved Poems: Favourite Poems from the South of Ireland.
Poet Stephanie Conn is a graduate of the Creative Writing M.A. Programme at the Seamus Heaney Centre at Queen’s University Belfast.
She is winner of the 2015 Funeral Services NI Poetry Prize, 2015 Yeovil Poetry Prize, the inaugural Seamus Heaney Award for New Writing and the 2016 Poetry Business Pamphlet Competition. This latter culminated in the publication of ‘Copeland’s Daughter’.
The Hunt for poetry: AT THE Hunt Museum weekly on Fridays in July, two poets will give a reading in the Captain’s Room from 1pm to 2pm. These readings are free and open to all.
The spoken word will be preceded by music performed by musicians Saoirse McArdle, Joey Taylor and Tamasine Anna Plowman, with compositions by Gaspar Sanz, Aker Bilk, Bach, Walton, Vaughan Williams, Saint-Saens throughout the four weeks. Writers Evelyn Cosgrave and Sean O’Connor open the series on Friday July 6.