Hospitals group deny they are down hundreds of staff

University Hospital Limerick: Highest number of people waiting for a bed in Ireland
Picture: Alan Place

THE UNIVERSITY of Limerick Hospitals group has hit back at claims that they are down 560 staff, despite one of its directors and a senior clinician confirming that the group needs a massive injection of healthcare professionals.

The Hospitals group was responding to claims by Dr Gerry Burke, Director for maternal and child health, that they need 560 additional staff to bring it up to par nationally as Limerick suffers from the “highest standardised mortality rate in the country”.

Dr Burke emailed TDs informing them that €22 million needs to be spent every year to bring staffing levels at UL up to the national rate.

He also emailed the Clinical Director of the UL Hospitals Group, Prof Paul Burke, pointing to the mortality rate and advising a “very aggressive approach,” from senior clinicians to ensure the situation is mended.


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But a hospital spokesman told the Limerick Post, “UL Hospitals Group does not have 130 hospital doctor; 210 nursing and midwifery; and 180 health and social care professional vacant posts.

“Each year, staffing requirements form part of the estimates process at UL Hospitals Group and resources allocated are based on the funding provided. Our 2018 Operational Plan sets out the type and volume of health care services to be provided throughout the year, including staffing, having regard for the available funding.

“We are currently working on the recruitment of NCHD’s (non-consultant hospital doctors) for our annual changeover in July, we hope to have all our posts filled through ongoing recruitment, and any vacancies would be minimal and based on our current number, maybe between three and ten whole time equivalents”.

The spokesman said there is continued ongoing recruitment for nurses and midwives and our current number of permanent nursing vacancies is around 40 whole time equivalents.

“We are continuously recruiting to fill new and replacement nursing and medical posts.

We have increased our number of Health and Social Care Professions (HSCP) grades and all posts that are vacant are being progressed by the National Recruitment Services.

Comparing February 2016 with February of this year, the spokesman said, staffing levels have increased by 76 in medical, 156 in nursing, and 40 in Health and Social and 40 in the Health and Social Care Professionals area.

Read more health news here.
