Voices of Limerick join Emerald Isle Sings! Festival

Mayor Stephen Keary with Colette Davis, director and Deirdre Fox Pic: Liam Burke/ Press 22

A SILVER jubilee is a major event for a voluntary corps that in this instance, was honoured by a civic reception with Mayor of Limerick Stephen Keary.

We write of Voices of Limerick with their strong choir delighting in this “wonderful recognition of our 25 years of choral singing. It is a huge thrill for us all,” the 60 to 70 members in any given year.

Our happy day to anticipate two imminent occasions on which to enjoy their harmonic glory. Chairperson Deirdre Fox gave Limerick Post heads up on the Friday June 1 concert in St Mary’s Cathedral, opening the holiday weekend with ‘Emerald Isle Sings!’ Free to all at 8pm, the choral concert features Irish professional musicians.

Honours at City Hall

“Emerald Isle is a group of five or so diverse American choirs who are coming to Limerick,” she explains. “They have asked us to join in with them and Voices of Limerick will perform separately for 30 or 40 minutes. They also asked us to suggest a beneficiary for donations on the night so we put forward Saint Vincent de Paul and Focus Ireland, and they went with SVP.

“All pieces being sung by the American choir have been written by or are classics arranged by their conductor Dr John Leavitt. We will sing a selection including ’Shenandoah’, ‘Shannon River’, ‘Danny Boy’ and Rossini’s ‘Ave Maria’.”


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Voices of Limerick’s Michael O’Neill with Cllr. Frankie Daly and Paul Russell
Pic: Liam Burke/ Press 22

The American component in Friday 1’s cathedral concert forms “a festival chorus of 75 singing in a performance of the music of John Leavitt. The world premiere of his latest choral cantata ‘Bound for Glory!’ will feature and a selection of American Spirituals.”

Leavitt is a renowned composer and conductor whose works and presence have graced Carnegie Hall, NY several times. His singers are from various prestigious choirs across the States.

Thereafter Voices of Limerick are taking part in Limerick Sings annual choral festival throughout city and county churches and other venues, from June 7 to 10.
