TO THOSE who queued in a rainstorm for Tres Court International Film Festival 2017 to find its 220 seats sold out, game on. Book online for Belltable at www.limetreetheatre.ie to join with this global film festival of short Shorts that will screen in Limerick on Friday June 1, 8pm.
The same 41 entries screen in the same sequence worldwide, wherever, in a compact timeframe.
Alliance Francaise Limerick secured for Limerick the sole Tres Court contract in Ireland; Anne Blondelle as coordinatrice culturelle and Maria Hensey are driving this interactive festival into its fifth year.
Anne is excited about this year’s VIP, Max Blustin, UK “who won the overall Grand Prix in 2017. He has a new movie in this year’s, ‘Sorceress’, and Max will give us a brief talk and share his inspirations beforehand.
“He will be available at the interval to talk about his experience in making very short films and of Tres Court.”
She makes the points that the four-minute films are “from all over Europe, from Canada, Russia, Australia and Japan. We have a first entrant from Iran, ‘Stealthy Freedom’ by Marian Modarres, which is exciting. I’ve no idea what the topic will be.”
The night before, clue into the unique format requiring your vote this Thursday 31 at Mickey Martin’s Bar from 7pm on when the previous year’s films are screened.
On Friday in Belltable, collect a voting sheet as you take your seat for 8pm. Poise pen to tick boxes beside each listing that impresses. “The festival will give you a chance to take part in the international voting. After the screening, tick your three favourites.
“We collect the scores and forward to Paris, the centre for Tres Court. Every country and every screening does the same thing and it gives people a chance to raise their voice.”
Reader, rare craic is guaranteed and a packed house as these 40+ films flicker at firefly speed in categories of fiction, animation, documentary and experimental. Find programme details at trescourt.com/limerick; Treaty City Brewery, publican Deirdre Martin and The French Table patisserie are sponsors.