Turas Nua delivers 1900 Limerick jobs

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MORE than 1,900 people in Limerick have been placed in jobs through Turas Nua, the body responsible for delivering the JobPath programme in the Southern part of the country.

As well as those placed in employment, Turas Nua has also delivered more than 10,000 training courses in Limerick, aimed at helping people to upskill and ensure they are better prepared for the jobs’ market.

The figures were highlighted during a discussion on the JobPath programme by the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Employment Affairs and Social Protection.

In their submission to the Committee, Turas Nua provided details about the impact of their service in Limerick.


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They are currently helping more than 2,300 people in the county in their efforts to find work and are also working with over 3,200 employers across the south-west region, which covers Limerick, Clare, Kerry and Tipperary.

The most popular job starts delivered under JobPath in the region have come in the hospitality sector (31 per cent), followed by construction (31 per cent) and retail (24 per cent).

Turas Nua has two offices in Limerick, located in Limerick City and Newcastle West, which employ 30 people.

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