Hanging Gardens site shows potential of the Mid-West for aviation says Limerick TD

Jan O'Sullivan

Limerick Labour and Party Spokesperson on Enterprise and Innovation T.D Jan O’Sullivan says the announcement of 300 new jobs aviation by Nordic Aviation Capital in the Hanging Gardens Site shows the potential of the Mid-West for the aviation sector and should push the government to focus their attention on Shannon airport.

Deputy O’Sullivan said “The trend of declining passenger numbers at Shannon airport is very worrying. In 2005 Shannon airport accounted for 12.9% of commercial flights in Ireland but by last year this had declined to just 5%.”

“Shannon airport has the longest runway in Ireland and is at present chronically and shamefully underutilised.”

“We have a Minister for Transport obsessed with vanity pet projects who has not developed any aviation strategy. The exclusion of Shannon airport from the capital plan confirms this.”

The Limerick TD believes the announcement should focus minds on the urgent need for a plan to revitalise Shannon airport.


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