300 free car parking spaces to be made available in Limerick for Riverfest

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More than 300 free car parking spaces will be available for shoppers and visitors to Limerick city centre for Riverfest this May Bank Holiday weekend.

220 of the free car parking spaces are located at the Cleeve’s site on O’Callaghan’s strand just a short walk from the central shopping area and the Riverfest festivities.

Parking will be available at Cleeves on Saturday 5/05/18 from 9am-11pm and Sunday 06/05/18 from 9am-11pm to facilitate those wishing to attend the Riverfest fireworks display at 10pm.

Limerick City and County Council is also making its staff car park (85 spaces) located behind its headquarters at Merchant’s Quay [access from Nicholas Street] available for free parking from 6pm on Friday, all day Saturday and all day Monday of the May Bank Holiday weekend. The Merchant’s Quay car park will beclosed from 8am-12 midnight on Sunday to facilitate preparations for the fireworks display. It will re-open on Bank Holiday Monday morning at 9am for those who wish to park there and enjoy the festivities.

For details on all events, road closures and up to date information on Riverfest Limerick over the Bank Holiday weekend, please visit riverfest.ie or follow updates on social media


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