Limerick Unity of the Naval Service Reserve is recruiting

LÉ Eithne

Limerick Unit of the Naval Service Reserve (NSR), is currently seeking young men and women who are looking for a challenge. On offer is a part-time career in the Defence Forces which can be combined with third-level studies or a regular job.

There has been a Limerick Unit of the Naval Reserve since the Second World War The government has increased the size of the Naval Reserve in the recent White Paper on Defence and they are now recruiting 25 people.

Recruitment teams will be in place aboard LÉ Eithne at Limerick Docks this weekend to answer any questions that prospective applicants might have about the NSR or the recruitment process.

Applicants will be put through their paces with a rigorous recruitment progress, including a medical, fitness test, Garda security clearance and an interview. To pass the fitness tests, would-be recruits will be expected to perform 20 sits up in one minute and 20 press ups in one minute. Applicants will also be expected to run 2.4 kilometres in 11 minutes and 40 seconds for men and 13 minutes and 10 seconds for women.

The training progress begins in July and August for four weekends with two full-time weeks of
further training in October. Professional training such as firefighting and survival-at- sea courses are required before NSR recruits can join their counterparts from the full-time Navy on the ships. Recruits are also instructed on the Steyr AUG 5.56mm Assault Rifle.


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The Naval service reserve is a part-time job in the sense that part of it is voluntary but for part of the year you do get paid for full-time work. A day in the in the life of an NSR recruit commences at 6.55am where they complete intense personal training sessions followed by a full day of training classes.

People who join the Naval Reserve unit often decide to make it their full-time career with many
opportunities available to use other qualifications and progress up the ranks. The competition closes on the 4th of June and candidates will then be called for fitness testing.

Applicants should to go to and complete the online application form. Absorbing as much information about the Defence Forces as possible as this will give you an advantage at the interview stage.

Applicants must be at least 18 years old and under 36 years of age. For more information and to apply go to:

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