€8 million M20 tendering process gets underway

Fine Gael TD Kieran O'Donnell

FINE Gael Senator for Limerick, Kieran O’Donnell, has welcomed the publication this week by TII (Transport Infrastructure Ireland) in partnership with Limerick and Cork local authorities for the €8 million tendering process for M20 design and planning consultants.

The closing date for the pre-qualification tender process is May 24 with consultants to be appointed for the 48-month duration period by September 2018.

“I am delighted that the formal process is now underway to appoint design and planning consultants for this key M20 project. This ensures that no further time is lost in progressing the building of this vital missing piece of road network, linking the two major cities outside of Dublin, namely Limerick and Cork,” Senator O’Donnell told the Limerick Post.

“This design and planning phase will bring it as far as An Bord Pleanála. Thereafter, TII can proceed to appoint contractors to construct the M20. We must provide a counter pole to Dublin and the east coast. A commuter time of under one hour from Limerick to Cork is a vital ingredient in creating this dynamic.”

Senator O’Donnell went on to say that proper and detailed consultation with affected landowners along the route must be a key element of the design and planning phase.


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“I have been campaigning hard over an extended time to ensure the M20 was put back on the political agenda and got the green light. My focus will continue to be on ensuring that is it build without delay.

“Adare Manor is looking to bring the Ryder Cup in 2026. Having the M20 in place by then should be a target date. Whist this is an ambitious deadline date it is nevertheless achievable,” he concluded.

by Alan Jacques

[email protected]

