Fine Gael Limerick Senator, Maria Byrne, said has welcomed the announcement from the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Denis Naughten TD that €51,000 has been allocated to Limerick for a targeted crackdown on litter, dog fouling and graffiti across the county.
“Litter, dog fouling and graffiti are issues that plagues both our rural countryside and our urban areas. It’s a source of embarrassment to the people across Limerick who work all year round to keep their communities tidy.
“Combatting litter requires continuous work and although our towns are generally performing well, we need to remain vigilant for littering blackspots and illegal dumping.Minister Naughten stated: “Littering is environmental sabotage but money alone cannot solve our litter problems. It takes a behavioural change across the board and I am confident the awareness campaigns that will be funded through this scheme at community level throughout the country will have a real impact. It’s hugely important for me to support and assist community effort with significant funding and recognition. I want to pay tribute to the passion, energy and dedication of local community and voluntary groups, schoolchildren and teachers who are taking their civic responsibilities seriously every single day through the many anti-litter initiatives that they drive across the country for the preservation of our environment”.
2018 marks the 20th anniversary of the National Spring Clean (NSC) which is organised and run by An Taisce and co-financed by my Department. NSC is currently running for the month of April across the country,” concluded Minister Naughten.
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