Mary Immaculate College to hold information evening on innovative course

Mary Immaculate College

In Ireland today the average life expectancy is 82 years. As a consequence older people will now have greater opportunities to actively participate in and to contribute to their communities and society through learning and education, paid and voluntary work.

To address the opportunities longer life offers, and the challenges, Mary Immaculate
College introduced the innovative MA in the Education and Well Being of the Older Person
(Level 9) in 2015.

The programme, which addresses Ageing Society and Sociology of Ageing,
Psychology of Ageing and Active Ageing, as well as Leadership and Advocacy, has gone from
strength to strength and is currently accepting applications for the September intake.
Applications are sought from older persons themselves, those working with older people,
informal and formal carers.

Health and Social Care Practitioners and persons working informal and adult education sector will also be interested in the programmes. On 9 th of May (6pm-8pm|Room T101| Tara Building|MIC Campus, Limerick) there will be an Information Evening for interested applicants which will include a sample lecture.

According to Liz Early, programme Co-ordinator; “As we come to the end of the third year of
the programme we can see its relevance to our society today. Participants have ranged in
age from 25 to 60 years old. The topics covered and research into issues relating to older
people are equipping graduates with the knowledge and skills to make a positive difference
in their places of work and to their communities.”


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She goes on to say that as our population ages it is imperative that we keep older people
central to developments in our society. Keeping people engaged, active and healthy as they
age will add life to years as well as years to life.

Current student Charlotte Strachan says of the programme; “The MA in Education and
Wellbeing of the Older Person is a practical programme that is applicable to any career area.
It will enhance your own understanding of the challenges faced by the older adult in addition
to assisting you in your personal life. A wonderful opportunity not to be missed.”

Elements of the programme are offered using a blended learning approach. Educational
principles and methodologies will foster reflective practice, use experiential learning
methods, provide learner support and create an environment conducive to intellectual
growth, learning, professional and personal development. Successful participants will be
well placed to seek opportunities to work with and for older persons from an education and
wellbeing perspective, opening up new and exciting challenges for all involved.

More about education here.
