Fine Gael Senator Maria Byrne said the Minister for Rural and Community Development, has confirmed that funding of €2,185,427 will be made available for Limerick through the Department’s Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP).
Senator Byrne said: “This support which will make a real difference to disadvantaged people and groups in Limerick. SICAP funding supports life-long learning, strengthening communities and helping people to become job ready.
“SICAP, which is administered by Pobal and overseen at a community level by the Local Community Development Committees, has a proven track record of helping disadvantaged people to make real progress in their lives.
“The programme supports unemployed people; people living in all areas; people with disabilities; single parent families; those on low income and other disadvantaged groups.
“Schemes like this are extremely important as we try to make sure the benefits of our buoyant economy are felt by everyone.
“Significantly, employment has increased, and unemployment has decreased here in Limerick and indeed in every region of the country since the Government was formed in 2016,” the Fine Gael Senator Byrne said.
Announcing the funding on Friday in Limerick, Minister Ring said “This is part of a national announcement which will see the Government invest €190 million through SICAP over five years to support the most disadvantaged individuals and communities in our society.
“This announcement demonstrates the Government’s commitment to providing funding to tackle poverty and social exclusion at a local level for the next five years up to 2022. SICAP provides support to those who need it most in all corners of Ireland, from inner city Dublin and across rural Ireland.
Individuals and groups can visit their Local Development Company to receive the support they need. The programme is a great example of local engagement working well within the framework of a national programme,” Minister Ring concluded.
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