Oh Mein Gott!

Jake Gillian wraps for action

NORTHSIDE Misfits Community Drama Group has yet another show to debut, ’Mein Gott’, this time at Northside Youth Space located behind Thomond Park on April 11 and 12, 8pm.

From director and dramaturg Karen Fitzgibbon we hear about ‘Mein Gott’, their fifth production  – and of this crazy season, 5celsius this April morn (going topress): “One airport, one snowstorm, one deadly virus, a new born baby, illegal smuggling and an Irish dancing flash mob! Just another normal day in the Northside International Airport!”

A bumpy ride is promised. Tickets are available from the Northside FRC on 061-326623 and there will be a raffle on the night for an authentic signed and framed Munster rugby jersey. P.S. ‘Mein Gott’ is German for ‘oh my God’.
