Round the clock confession will be a key feature of this week’s ‘24 hours for the Lord’ initiative that will take place from 4p.m. on Friday to the same time Saturday at the Augustinian Church on O’Connell Street.
The celebration will also involve Eucharistic Adoration and Masses. The ‘24 Hours for the Lord’ is an initiative introduced by Pope Francis in 2014 and has been held in Limerick Diocese each year since.
Hundreds are expected to participate in the event in Limerick, with large numbers set to take advantage of the opportunity to get confession during Lent.
Bishop of Limerick Brendan Leahy urged those who have not gone to confession for quite some time to consider dropping in as they would be enriched and lightened by the experience.
“24 hours for the Lord is an invitation by Pope Francis, who will be taking part in this special day of prayer and reconciliation in Rome. He is encouraging people to, in particular, go to confession to acknowledge the wrong they have done but also in the knowledge that God forgives,” said Bishop Leahy.
“We have celebrated this special 24hours in previous years in Limerick and it proved to be quite a solemn day when participants got a lot of peace from their participation. As Pope Francis has said, confession is an encounter with Jesus whose ‘mercy motivates us to do better’
“I would encourage people to take part, not least those who have lost touch with the sacrament of confession. It really is a special day and night of reconciliation and something that people gain a lot more than they expect from.” Bishop Leahy concluded.
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