Extraordinary lengths taken by hospital staff to provide care

UHL emergency department

As the status red weather warning issued for Munster by Met Eireann remains in place, UL Hospitals Group has paid tributes to the “extraordinary lengths staff are going to, to get into work ensuring the continuation of essential services and care to our patients.”

Around 200 nursing and other staff spent the night in hotels in Limerick, Clare and Tipperary and will do so again this Friday night if required. 

In addition a number of staff who live distances from work made arrangements with family, friends and colleagues to stay with them so they are more local to the hospitals, enabling them to report for duty.

Meantime, hospital bosses said that the Emergency Department at UHL, Injury Units at Ennis, Nenagh and St John’s and Medical Assessment Units at UHL, Ennis, Nenagh and St John’s are operating as normal and will continue to do so over the weekend. 

The Maternity Emergency Unit at University Maternity Hospital Limerick will also continue to operate on a 24-hour basis. 


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As a reminder all elective surgery and outpatient appointments are cancelled in the majority of cases across UL Hospitals Group. 

The Group is working with National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) to provide transport for some dialysis patients who require their treatment this Friday and to transport three nurses into UHL for their shift later this Friday night. 

A spokesperson for the hospital group said that “whilst we are not operating with a full staffing complement, we currently have adequate staffing cover across all our sites to deliver safe patient care.

“Our staff have made heroic efforts to keep frontline and emergency services going during the current severe weather including ensuring people make it to work and remain at work to support colleagues.

“Where staff are, or have been, required to stay overnight to ensure they are available for work the next day or to cover for colleagues who cannot make it to work due to the severe weather conditions, the HSE is covering all associated costs. No staff member will be out of pocket as a result of having to stay overnight.

Staff are available at the following numbers to address any patient concerns:

University Hospital Limerick 061 585756

University Maternity Hospital Limerick 061 483144

Ennis Hospital 065 6863320

Nenagh Hospital 067 42366

St John’s Hospital  061 462222

Croom Orthopaedic Hospital 061 397276 

Adverse weather conditions are presenting difficulties for patients who are ready for discharge and the group says they are working with the National Ambulance Service to try where possible and appropriate to help people to get home. 

“This will help to ensure we are in a position to better manage any surge in presentations arising from slips/falls and respiratory or other medical conditions associated with the cold”, the spokesperson said. 

Members of the public are urged to consider all their care options at this time and not to attend the Emergency Department unless necessary.

Injury Units in St John’s, Ennis and Nenagh hospitals are open for appropriate injuries. Injury Units are open in Ennis and Nenagh Hospitals from 8am to 8pm, Monday to Sunday and 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday at St. John’s Hospital.  Others with a less serious illness can be treated by their GP or out of hours GP service where their GP can refer them to an Assessment Unit the following day if required.

However, if you are seriously injured or ill or are worried your life is at risk the ED will assess and treat you as a priority.

UL Hospitals Group is working closely with HSE MidWest Community Healthcare, National Ambulance Service, An Garda Siochana, Limerick City and County Council on the response to this adverse weather warning.

Keep up to date with on Twitter @ULHospitals and  @HSELive and visit www.hse.ie/weatherwarning for all the latest regarding our services.

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