Ahane GAA
Ahane U21 hurlers were due to play Murroe/Boher on Sunday last but the fixture fell foul to the poor weather. The re-fixture date and time is to be confirmed.Keep an eye out for Ahane GAA on the “Clubify” phone app (which can be downloaded and accessed for free) for the most up-to-date club fixtures.
Exercise Classes for Older Adults: OSTEOFIT® classes continue in Ahane GAA Hall on Tuesdays at 10am.
If you are in your 60s 70s or 80s and would like to participate in exercise classes in your area OSTEOFIT® classes might be of interest to you. OSTEOFIT® group exercise classes are specially designed for both men and women in this age group and aim to maintain bone density, improve strength and flexibility, improve balance and reduce the risk of falling. Visit www.osteofit.ie for more information.
OSTEOFIT® will be Ahane GAA Hall every Tuesday at 10.00am. Your first trial class is complimentary and then you pay €8 per session. There is no commitment from you. You come along whenever you can. Newcomers are welcome at any time. Contact Brenda on 0872255676.
Cappamore GAA
A table Quiz took place February 9 in O’Dwyers Bar, Cappamore thanks to everyone who supported on the night.
First match of the year was due to take place Sunday 11 February but unfortunately due to the recent snow the Feile U14 match against Pallasgreen will have to be rescheduled. Next up is the U21 East Hurling Championship where Cappamore face South Liberties in Cappamore at 3pm February 24.
We would like to urge all Cappamore GAA supporters to log on to Twitter and search for Cappamore GAA. If you click on ‘follow’ your Twitter account will be automatically updated with all the latest Cappamore GAA news, fixtures and results throughout the year.
We have also introduced ‘Live Scoring’ which will send all the latest scores as they happen straight to your Twitter account. Please share this information throughout the club and to any Cappamore GAA supporters overseas.
Draw held on February 5 and numbers were as follows: 18,22,24,27. No winner of 14,400. 10 lucky dip winners were: Betty Roche, Cappamore, Ber & Jody, Sally Hayes, Dromsally, Elizabeth Shanahan, Bee Leonard, Seamus Lane, Mike Collins, Marian Terrace, Regina O’ Donovan, c/o Bee Leonard, Terry O’ Brien, c/o Cook, Helen Purcell, c/o Mike O’ Malley. Next week’s jackpot €14,600.
Garryspillane GAA
There was no winner in this week’s €8,400 Lotto Jackpot. The numbers were 6, 10, 27 and 32. The lucky dip winners were Kay Thorpey & P.Ryan c/oFogartys Bar, Yvonne Keogh, Ray & Mary Sampson c/o Credit Union, Cathal Keogh c/o Meades Shop, Joanie Tobin.
Next jackpot will be €8,450 and will take place in Fogarty’s Bar on Mon 19th February. Tickets available in The Hill Bar, The Welcome Inn, Meade’s Shop, OPTP, Creed’s, Fogarty’s or from any committee member.
Membership now due for 2018 – €30 per person – €40 per player – €50 per family
If you were Garda Vetted between 2009-2014 your application is now due for renewal.
Congratulations to Jackie & Mossie McNamara on the birth of a baby boy MJ.
U-21 Garryspillane v Monaleen – To be Re-fixed
U-21 Garryspillane v Murroe Boher – Sunday 25th Feb in Cappamore at 12pm
Club Limerick Draw 2018 is now available to join. By Joining the CLUB Limerick Draw 2018 you will be helping your club to raise much needed funds but you will also be in with a chance of winning one of 30 CASH PRIZES & in December be in with a chance of winning a Star Car Prize. JOIN TODAY -Contact any committee member for details.
Now on Sale – O’Neill’s Garryspillane half-zip tops & black/amber skinny pants. Kids tops & pants, Adults tops & pants, Caps, etc. To order Contact Caroline on 087 8200463
U-14’s Feile Hurling match v Cois Laoi Gaels has been re-fixed for Thursday evening 15th February in Knocklong at 7pm. You support would be greatly appreciated. Cul Camp dates for 2018 is Monday 16th July to Friday 20th July. We are holding a Poker Classic on Saturday 24th in the Hill Bar at 9pm. €50 to play – No Buy Backs.
On Good Friday 30th March at 10am – 12pm, we need you young and old to help out with a few jobs/tidy up that is needed at the pitch in conjunction with Team Limerick Clean Up. Bring your strimmer, lawn mower, hedge clipper, shovel, wheelbarrow, rake, etc
Mungret GAA
Well done yet again to all our participants, we are delighted with the turnout of people taking part in the Operation Transformation each week.
Monday night saw another great warm up before the walk, this will take place at 6.45pm again next Monday, it is always important to get in a warm up and cool down after exercises and the warm up on Monday night shows it can be great fun.
There was a lower attendance on Monday for the weigh in but there were still great results with one member losing half a stone, one losing a stone and on Monday night there were 3 members all loosing 4lbs over the week.
Weigh in will take place next Monday from 6.30pm. We are delighted to say that the charity contribution is over €750, there is only 4 weeks left and so far an overall a recorded weight loss of 243lbs. Thank you to everyone for their support.
This well attended programme for men made a great return on Monday night at 7.30pm and will be on again on a Wednesday night at 6.30pm. Well done to all the men who have benefited from this great Healthy Club and Limerick Sports Partnership exercise. A women on the move will be rolled out shortly with a date to be confirmed.
Please note a Child Welfare/ Safe guarding course will take place on Thursday 8 March. Every coach needs to attend but places are limited so please book early through Trish Barry on 087-2033474.
Would you be available to administer First Aid if required at matches? The club are currently looking to seek members who have attended a First Aid course to put their name forward to help at matches. Please contact Brian O’Halloran [email protected] with your details. Thank you.
Club registration will take place for all codes on Saturday 24th February, 10am – 12 noon, in the clubhouse. Forms can be downloaded from our website www.mungretstpauls.com in the download section.
We are currently looking for new people to help out. The Healthy and Wellbeing Committee are looking for fresh new faces to come on board and help out, with the recent success with Operation Transformation and Men on the Move we need more people to help out with ideas or just keep running the events already in place.
This is not a very taxing position, only an hour once a month is required to brain storm ideas. Both young and old, men and women are being looked for, as this is a community project you don’t have to be a club member to become involved. Contact Kevin O’Hagan on 087-0601686
The club are looking for people to put their hand up and help out on the catering committee. We are looking for a mix of male and female members from each section of the club to come on board and help out. The catering committee are not called on often but it helps to spread the work out. If you are able to help out please contact Mike O’Connell on 086-2437069 or Helen McKeogh 087-7992098.
Mungret St. Pauls are on the Clubify App. This is a great way to keep up to date with the club especially with match fixtures and results. It is very easy to download just go to https://www.clubifyapp.com/ and download from the appropriate app store. Select Mungret St. Pauls and follow the direction. If you have any difficulties contact Wanda Dwane on 087-6236709.
Patrickswell GAA
The Club Limerick Draw is now open for 2018. Each month, the lucky first prize winner scoops €12,000. There are thirty cash prizes in total to be won every month. In December, there is an extra car draw worth €25,000. Please get in touch with your local promoter to subscribe now. The first draw is at the end of March and there are ten draws at €10 each.
Annual Club Membership is now due. It is vitally important from an insurance perspective that every player is a member. Compared to other sports and clubs, our fees are competitively set at €25 juvenile and student, €45 adult and €80 family.
Best wishes to Limerick in their National League match with Dublin which takes place on Saturday at the Gaelic Grounds at 7pm.
St Patrick’s GAA
Our U-14 hurling Feile na nGael match away v Murroe/Boher, was not played on Sunday last due to the snow and icy conditions. This game will be refixed. The St Patrick’s U-14 Footballers will be in action next Sunday 18 February at 3pm away v Ahane. Best of luck to both panels.
Our Senior footballers 2018 campaign will begin with the County League. They travel to play Ballysteen on March 3 and then will be home to Monaleen on Saturday, March 10.
The victory dinner dance will be held on Saturday evening February 17 in the Greenhills hotel. This will be a great night of celebration for all St Patrick’s folk young and old alike. A great way to mark the historic success on the hurling field in 2017.
Thanks to all who have entered our Last Man Standing Competition that started at the weekend. We will post up all participants and their teams later in the week.