Limerick politicians ‘out of touch’ on abortion rights

Cllr Cian Prendiville - Limerick Post Newspaper
Cllr Cian Prendiville

A SURVEY of Fine Gael and Fianna Fail Oireachtas members showed that 90 per cent of Limerick’s TDs and Senators did not support the proposal from the Oireachtas Committee to allow for unrestricted access to abortion up to 12 weeks.

According to the Irish Examiner survey, only 25 per cent of Fine Gael and 12 per cent of Fianna Fáil Oireachtas members support the proposals, despite the fact that opinion polls show 60 per cent of the public do.

Pro-choice councillor Cian Prendiville believes the survey clearly shows how far removed the political establishment is from the general public on abortion rights.

“We cannot allow conservative politicians to hold back progress. Repeal of the 8th Amendment is needed alongside progressive legislation. There is no ‘middle Ireland’ for politicians to hide behind,” the Solidarity councillor said.

“The Citizens’ Assembly and then the Oireachtas Committee on the 8th Amendment, heard medical and scientific evidence for months. Abortion pills are widely used in Ireland and that the only logical next step would be to legislate for abortion up to 12 weeks which would cover 92 per cent of abortions.”


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Cllr Prendiville says Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and Sinn Fein TDs and Senators who don’t support this need to be asked the question — ‘what do they propose as an alternative considering that five women a day are taking abortion pills in their bedrooms?’

He has also re-submitted a motion to Limerick City and County Council, which would call on the government to repeal the 8th Amendment.

by Alan Jacques

[email protected]
