International World Rugby Referee of the Year, Joy Nevillie launched Limerick for Engineering Showcase 2018. The showcase aims to encourage school leavers, particularly young women, to consider a future in a highly skilled, well paid engineering career, in the Mid West.j
Already breaking down stereotypes on the sports field Joy Nevillie joined forces with Limerick for Engineering at the launch of its annual mid-west showcase Monday evening to encourage more young women into the field of engineering.
The Mid West Limerick for Engineering Showcase 2018 will take place on March first, in Shannon Airport, and offers secondary school students, guidance counsellors, parents and teachers an opportunity to meet more than thirty mid west companies (indigenous and multi national); it allows them to observe their most cutting edge technologies, witness demonstrations by their full time engineers and receive first hand information about this exciting and ever developing career path.
Representatives from Limerick Institute of Technology, the University of Limerick, the Limerick Clare ETB will also be on hand to outline the various courses and routes that are available to students, and provide information on interesting engineering careers in the Mid-West.
Limerick for Engineering Launch, Analog Devices, Raheen Limerick.
Joining Joy Neville to launch the event were, Louise Bible, UL, Rachel Cahalane, UL, Rob Corby, UL, John Stenson, Ard Scoil Ris, Kalin Foy, Cholaiste Ciaran Croom, Roisin O’Halloran, Crescent Comprehensive, Eoghan Herdman, St. Clements and Cara Herdman, Laurel Hill. Picture: Alan Place
In it’s fourth year, the free showcase is the brainchild of the Limerick for Engineering consortium – an industry led collaboration between 30 leading companies in the mid west; the region’s education providers; and IDA and Enterprise Ireland.
Lending her support to Limerick for Engineering’s objectives, former rugby international Joy Nevillie said she was delighted to support an initiative that not only works to further develop a highly skilled and well paid sector in the mid west, but also actively encourages young women into this exciting and lucrative career.
“Limerick for Engineering’s purpose is to increase the quantity and quality of engineering talent in the region, while encouraging more women into the sector. There is no reason why women should not make up fifty per cent of the engineering sector in Ireland, and this showcase opens up the various engineering career possibilities to all school leavers – male and female, their parents, and guidance councillors.”
Speaking at the showcase’s launch in Analog Devices, Raheen Business Park, Limerick Monday evening, Paschal Meehan, Head of the Faulty of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology at LIT & Chairperson of Limerick for Engineering had one simple message: “Engineering is for everybody. The recent significant success in delivering jobs to the region means that never before has there been such a wide range of new and exciting careers available in engineering. These careers are in different disciplines and at many different levels and specialisms such as apprenticeships, technicians, engineers along with research and development,” he said.
Barry O’Sullivan, General Manager, Johnson & Johnson Vision & President of the American Chamber of Commerce Ireland added, “A career in engineering is a career in the mid west. There are 23,200 employed within the engineering sector in the region with an expected growth rate of 4,700 engineering jobs nationally through to 2020. The engineering profession is the second highest occupation growth rate, and we are keen to support that growth with a well paid and skilled workforce,”
“For anyone with an interest in engineering as a career the Mid West Limerick for Engineering Showcase 2018 is an event not to be missed.” he concluded.
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