Limerick women in business call for end to gender pay gap

Edwina Gore
Edwina Gore

WOMEN business leaders in Limerick have called for Ireland to follow new international law, which makes it illegal to pay men more than women.

On January 1, Iceland became the first country in the world to make it illegal to pay men more than women.

Under the new legislation, businesses with more than 25 employees will have to obtain government certification for their equal-pay policies and any business failing to comply with the legislation will be fined.

“The gender pay gap in Ireland in 2016 was around 20%, previously it was cited as 14%. It’s very disappointing that the gap is not closing and actually going in the wrong direction so something radical needs to be done,” said past president and PRO, Network Ireland Limerick, and founder of Gore Communications Edwina Gore.

“This bold move by Iceland might shake things up. Employers need to do more about the gender pay discrepancies in their organisations,” she added.


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Founder of the Womens’ Business network (TWB) Gaye Moore said, “I think this is a great step forward for working women there and hopefully sets a standard for the rest of the world. It’s about time this legislation was brought in, we are after all in 2018.

“I think it’s just common sense. Can you imagine how the female workforce will now be motivated in their professions and careers? This will improve productivity for businesses in Iceland.

“However we’d need a lot more women involved in the business and political sectors. I’d really like to see a move to get this up and running in Ireland and look forward to getting involved with other like minded men and women in this regard.”

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