Limerick families benefitting from cuts in drug and prescription charges

Maria Byrne
Limerick Fine Gael Senator Maria Byrne

Families across Limerick city and county are already benefitting from a reduction in prescription charges that came into effect last week.

The reduction from €2.50 to €2 per item announced in Budget 2018 came into effect on January 1 and there is also a reduction in the monthly cap from €25 to €20.

Limerick Fine Gael Senator Maria Byrne said the new measures mean that Limerick Medical Card holders under the age of 70 will save up to €60 this year from the reduction in the prescription charge.

And she added that local families will also also benefit from changes in the Drug Payment Scheme (DPS).

“This year local families will also save up to €120 a year in medication costs with a reduction of €10 in the monthly threshold for DPS from €144 to €134 with effect from January 1.


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“The DPS is intended to protect people and families who don’t have a medical card against excessive health costs, through a monthly cap on approved medicine costs. It also applies to those who have a GP visit card.

“Reducing the cost of medicines for families is a key commitment in the Programme for Government and, building on the progress in 2017 where Fine Gael in government reduced the prescription charge for over 70’s, we are delighted to now be in a position to further reduce the cost of medicines.

“In line with the Sláintecare recommendations, and subject to available resources, it is our intention to build upon these initiatives in future years and continue to reduce the cost of medicines for families,” Senator Byrne stated.

More health news here
