A €57 million funding package approved as part of the Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management (CFRAM) programme will be of significant benefit to Limerick City and County.
Fine Gael Senator Kieran O’Donnell said that the €57 million will finance flood defence projects in Limerick City and County and includes a specific allocation of €720,000 for Castlconnell Village.
“The work in Limerick City will include strengthening flood defences in Kings Island, Corbally and and is very welcome news for the communities that were so badly affected by flooding in recent years.
“The specific funding for Castleconnell is part of the largest flood risk management programme ever undertaken by the State. Flood Relief and OPW Minister Kevin “Boxer” Moran has confirmed to me that €720,000 will be made available to protect homes and businesses in Castleconnell.
“The village had been subjected to severe flooding in 2009 and again in early 2016. At the initial public consultation in September 2016 we were all shocked to find that no Flood Relief Plans were provided in respect of the local catchment area.
“Last March, I arranged a public consultation for Castleconnell with the OPW. Thereafter, I continued to made relentless representations to the OPW, Minister Sean Canny, and his successor Minister “Boxer” Moran.
Minister Moran has also told to me that the OPW will be assigning an official to assist Limerick City and County Council in advancing the flood defence projects. I will be ensuring that they get underway as quickly as possible.
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