University of Limerick student centre moves a step closer

UL student centre
External view of the new UL Student Centre

Planning for a new student centre building at the University of Limerick has passed a significant milestone with the Governing Authority approving the design of the building.

The centre will comprise of a three story, 3,529 square metre building and will be in a prime location adjacent to the Stables Complex and the Library. The project will now be submitted to Limerick City and County Council for planning approval and is expected that the building will be completed in 2020.

The Student Centre is being funded on a partnership basis between the students and the University.

Last year the UL student body voted by way of referendum to support a new Student Centre and have agreed to fund 80 per cent of the estimated capital cost.

It will form a new ‘destination’ for all students, incorporating outdoor gathering, relaxation/activity areas, venue and student union offices, games areas and student services.  It will also house a number of new activities as outlined in the ‘desire list’ which resulted from a UL student survey.

Student Union President Jack Shelly said the existing Student Centre in the Stables Courtyard dates back to 1999 and to a time when the student population was half what it is now.

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“In the intervening 18 years there has been huge growth in the number and membership of student clubs and societies. There is a desperate need for space and facilities for these clubs and societies to operate well. Additionally the increased services provided by the UL Students Union have outgrown the current Student Centre.”

UL student centre
Interior of the proposed UL student centre

UL President Dr Des Fitzgerald said the students had chosen a wonderful design for the centre, which is badly needed to enhance and consolidate facilities for ULSU and for the very vibrant UL clubs and societies which add so much to the UL student experience.

“The students of UL know the value of excellent facilities and are to be commended for their support of this initiative. They have done this before with the construction of UL’s boathouse, when pioneering members of the Rowing Club identified the need for such a facility and engaged in extensive planning and fundraising in partnership with the Kayak, Sub Aqua Club and Mountain Bike clubs. In 2003, the students voted to extend the student levy to pay for the facility and they have once again rowed in with support of this Student Centre in what will be a magnificent addition to the UL campus.”

The Governing Authority also approved the construction of an external passenger lift to the rear of the Foundation Building at UL to provide greater accessible access to the Foundation Building and the University Concert Hall and to provide increased mobility access from the south campus to the main University Plaza.

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