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HomeNewsPigTown series experiences Limerick's firefighting chef

PigTown series experiences Limerick’s firefighting chef


HE TRAINED as a chef and travelled the world, then joined London fire brigade, but Paul Knapp has now made Limerick his home while working with Limerick City Fire and Rescue.

But Paul hasn’t left his love for cooking behind.

In fact he has brought it to the forefront of his life, along with his work and family, and used it in delivering a message of positivity with ‘I am firecooks’.

“If you shop well, you will eat well and above all you will feel well. It is probably something that sticks with us from early years, the safety and solidarity of the kitchen table and it is the centre of the world for a lot of us.

“Even as firefighters, our kitchen table at the station is the go to place. You know they say that big boys don’t cry but we sort everything out there and its usually always around food and a great cup of tea.

“I just hope that I can share a message of positivity that we get from food and keep the conversation going from there.

Last weekend, Paul took to the mezzanine of Limerick’s Milk market to give a cooking demo packed with fun and tasty treats as part of Limerick’s PigTown series.

Here’s a snapshot of some of the action and you can follow Paul through his facebook page here and his twitter page here.

Paul now has a monthly slot on Ireland AM an will be doing a weekly cookery class at Hook and Ladder in January.

A charity cookbook, in partnership with Mental Health Ireland, is planned for next year and will contain recipes around the five pillars of well-being as well as stories from the front line of firefighters both past and present.

Watch Paul’s recent appearance on TV3

See more Limerick news here

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