Bualadh Bos Children’s Festival 2017 launch at Belltable on Monday 18. Festival to run October 10 to 21 at Belltable and Lime Tree Theatre, with Outreach tours to schools and creches October 18 to 20. Book on www.limetreetheatre.ie
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18/9/2017 Attending the launch of Bualadh Bos at the Belltable, O' Connell Street were Emer Casey, Dance Limerick and Jenny Traynor, Director Dance Limerick.
Pic: Gareth Williams
18/9/2017 Attending the launch of Bualadh Bos at the Belltable, O' Connell Street were Our Lady Queen of Peace N.S 6th Class Students with Fintan Taite, Illustrator.
Pic: Gareth Williams
18/9/2017 Attending the launch of Bualadh Bos at the Belltable, O' Connell Street were Marketa Dowling, Program Manager, Limetree Theatre, Ciara Ni Shuilleabhain and Mike Finneran, Board Members Limetree Theatre and The Belltable.
Pic: Gareth Williams
18/9/2017 Attending the launch of Bualadh Bos at the Belltable, O' Connell Street were David Byrne, Ballysheedy and Sean Lynch, Limetree Theatre.
Pic: Gareth Williams
18/9/2017 Attending the launch of Bualadh Bos at the Belltable, O' Connell Street were Louise Donlon, Director Limetree Theatre and Marketa Dowling, Program Manager, Limetree Theatre.
Pic: Gareth Williams
18/9/2017 Attending the launch of Bualadh Bos at the Belltable, O' Connell Street were Ed Roche and Meghann Scully, Fully Charged Spin South West.
Pic: Gareth Williams
18/9/2017 Attending the launch of Bualadh Bos at the Belltable, O' Connell Street were Pat McLoughlin, Mr. Pinnacle, Gill Fenton, Limetree Theatre and Gerry O' Malley, Limerick Post.
Pic: Gareth Williams
18/9/2017 Attending the launch of Bualadh Bos at the Belltable, O' Connell Street were Carmel O' Doherty, Director Limerick Education Centre and Peter Jennings, Principle, Our Lady of Lourdes.
Pic: Gareth Williams