Kilmallock Garda station to reopen this month

kennedy park garda limerick post news


kennedy park garda limerick post newsJUSTICE Minister Charlie Flanagan has confirmed that Kilmallock Garda station is due to reopen later this month, after concerns were raised that the station was closed “indefinitely”.

Replying to Limerick Fianna Fail Deputy Niall Collins, Mr Flanagan said that the station was closed on a temporary basis last July to facilitate an upgrade to the station, including the construction of new internal partitions and fire doors, the installation of new wheelchair accessible reception counter and work stations in the public office, new locker room fit out, and associated mechanical and electrical works.

“I understand that the works will be completed this month following which the re-installation of furniture and minor snagging will be carried out. It is not anticipated that these matters will delay the re-occupation of the Garda station and the OPW will work with local management regarding same.”

During the works, personnel attached to the station have been temporarily relocated to Bruff Garda station but they continued to patrol the Kilmallock sub-District.


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Minister Flanagan added that “The Deputy will appreciate that the programme of replacement and refurbishment of Garda accommodation is progressed by the Garda authorities working in close cooperation with the Office of Public Works (OPW), which has responsibility for the provision and maintenance of Garda accommodation.

“This includes identifying and progressing any necessary remedial or refurbishment works required at individual stations. As Minister, I have no direct role in these matters,” he said.

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