Magic touch takes Grand Prix de Tres Court

The people’s choice

FOR all of us who enjoyed the fast moving reel that is Tres Court International Film Festival, this year’s prize winners are as follows. The Grand Prix goes to the UK’s Max Blustin for ‘A Magician’: think back to where a man walks over to a young couple, and the girl is getting an earful from angry man. Then interloper gets to magic away with the girl who regards him charmingly.

Originality Award is Spain’s Anadir Contacto and Poilus took the Animation Award. There’s a prize from Canal+ Oeil de LInks for ‘Voltige’, the French animated comedy short that opened the festival in Limerick and everywhere else.

Tres Court’s jury give special mention to the Canadian thrill, ‘The Hall’ by Guillaume Blanchet and the global public choice to which we all contributed is from Germany, ‘Our Wonderful Nature – The Common Chameleon’ by Tomer Eshed.

Remember that Limerick’s choice was ‘A Writer and Three Script Editors Walk into a Bar’, declared on June 10. The film maker was Matthew Saville, by way of Sydney.


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The Women’s Right Award is another Frenchie, Cécile Ragot’s ‘Not a pizza order’.

Interested parties for next year’s festival, always falling on a Friday early in June, will do well to book in advance at Belltable’s venue manager, Host Alliance Francaise Limerick knows how to pack out the joint.
