IN JANUARY some 13 theatre artists from around Ireland came to collaborate and stretch their creative comfort zones. ‘Showcase of Ideas’ is the culmination of this programme.
Inspired by the Limerick Leader edition of February 11, five collaborative pieces, conceived and created in Belltable: Connect, will be presented over two nights, June 30 and July 1 at 8pm.
From a movement and visual design reflection on the architecture of Ardnacrusha, to a puppet and live performance show exploring Limerick’s connection with pigs, to a brand new short play ‘Three Mothers in Search of a Son’, to an aural encounter with the river Shannon.
This collage of explorative works offers glimpses of Limerick life in a new and exciting way.
One Theatre Maker 2017 is Ann Blake, whose terrific play pioneered thorough Belltable: Connect, ‘The Morning After The Life Before’ has won Best English Language Production in Montreal Fringe Festival. Blake was also tops at London Fringe Festival which is awesome, the Tilee Award for ‘Most Outstanding Production’.
Blake’s dozen peers operating out of this Limerick programme are Caoimhe Dunn, Eadaoin O’Donoghue, Fionnuala Gygax, Henry Martin, Joan Somers Donnelly, Joanne Ryan, John Galvin, Liam McCarthy, Maeve Stone, Mags O’Donoghue and Rob Moloney.
Theatre Makers’ monthly meetings in Belltable Hub were mentored, guided and supported by playwright Deirdre Kinahan and director Lynne Parker.
Masterclasses were led by leading Irish and international theatre gurus. Booking at venue manager www.limetreetheatre.ie for this ‘Showcase of Ideas’.
Belltable: Connect Theatre Makers 2017 was supported by the Arts Council | An Chomhairle Ealaoín under the Theatre Artist Development Scheme.