The Importance of Being Earnest

Niall Carmody is Jack Worthing Pic: Bri Bri Films
Niall Carmody is Jack Worthing
Pic: Bri Bri Films

A FAMILIAR and glamorous host to theatre, the upstairs salon to No. 1 Pery Square is venue for an Oscar Wilde classic, ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’.

Meet Miss Prism, Lady Bracknell, Algernon, Jack, Gwendolen and Cecily through a hot new company, Tiger’s Eye Theatre. Described as a young theatre collective, Tiger’s Eye will stage Wilde over three nights, Sunday June 18, Monday 19 and Sunday 25 at 7pm.

They’ve jacked the jolly  japes into 21st century for freshness and economy.

The plot is a dote, wriggling out of a doctor’s bag left at a train station. Our playwright had a lot of fun, characteristically, using ‘Earnest’ as a platform to prick pretension in this societal satire. Witness Algernon: “I love hearing my relations abused. It is the only thing that makes me put up with them at all.”


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Directed by Shane Hickey-O’Mara, the cast of eight has Martin Kenny of Sonar Theatre as Algernon, Ohio native Sarah Vargo as Gwendolen and Deirdre Flynn as Lady Bracknell.

Produced with The GAFF, book a laugh under a chandelier, [email protected]
