The Nualas unwrapped

“We’re in the era of big Spanx. All feeling is now lost from the waist down from Spanx-ing,” explained Anne Gildea of comedy trio The Nualas.

Anne talked to Limerick Post this week about the upcoming show ‘All Spanxed Up’ this weekend. Together with Sue Collins and American singer/ actress Maria Tecce, the three girls collectively known as The Nualas will bring an evening of scintillating new songs, spleen-rupturingly hilarious new chat, and a stunningly bendy repertoire of new moves, to the Lime Tree Theatre.

“We haven’t played there for two years. The Lime Tree has all orange chairs so it is like playing on the Starship Enterprise – I love that theatre,” she remembers.

As always with The Nualas, the glamour is as important as the punchlines.

“Our outfits are blindingly glamorous – it is like the big bang! We’ll go hell for leather in shoes, dresses and harmonies.”

The girls have some brand new songs to share including excerpts from their never ending opera about The Water Charges and their comedy operetta on Chinese/ Russian cyber-terrorism.


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All the audience favourites will be rolled out for the Limerick fans, ‘Manolo’, ‘Sexy Farm Song’, ‘Jesus, Mary and Joseph, why am I so fat?’ and the evergreen ‘Yummy Mummy Recession Blues’.

Original songs, clever stand up, ambitious choreography and a lot of improv with the audience is what you can expect from the girl’s “condensed meaty show”.

The Nualas are three distinct characters, and you are entering the unique world of The Nualas for an apparently stylish evening.

“They are three colleens from farming backgrounds who have attempted to embrace the urban lifestyle. They are always glamorous and looking fantastic no matter where they are going, but getting things slightly wrong at the same time.”

The Nualas perform at the Lime Tree Theatre this Saturday April 29.
