Limerick’s citizens are being asked to share their opinions on how the city can best connect to its greatest asset, the River Shannon.
Limerick City and County Council in conjunction with SAUL, School of Architecture, University of Limerick is hosting the second week of the Living Limerick: City Engage series, a new consultation process designed to collect people’s thoughts, hopes and opinions about living in Limerick. The latest City Engage focuses on gathering local knowledge and aspirations for the Riverway/ Footbridge proposals.
The next week of events focuses on the Riverway and takes place from April 25 to 28.
Rosie Webb, Senior Architect with Limerick City and County Council said: “City Engage is all about listening to people and incorporating their views into the overall plans for the city. The first ever Living Limerick: City Engage event in March which focused on plans for O’Connell Street was very well attended and we were able to collect many interesting ideas and opinions. We aim to build on that momentum with the next series of City Engage events. We’re holding a range of events throughout the week that allow people to choose a time that suits them to engage with Limerick City and County Council and to give their views about the Riverways.”
Professor Merritt Bucholz from the University of Limerick added: “We want to help Limerick build an accessible vision of a great city. Using physical models and prototypes we will help people understand how they can help build a city they want in a way they understand. These events aim provide an open door to the design of the city and a really new way to get great ideas for its future from the people who know it best!”
City Engage: Riverway week begins on Tuesday, April 25. All events are free and open to the public.
Tuesday, April 25 – ‘Connections to Limerick’s Riverways’ – Pecha Kucha 20X20 Night at Curragower Bar, Clancy’s Strand – 7-9pm
Wednesday, April 26 – ‘Community Mapping’ at Council Offices, Merchant’s Quay – 10am-12pm
– ‘Using the Riverways’ – City Riverway Listen & Learn Event at Council Offices, Merchant’s Quay – 12.30-2.30pm
Thursday, April 27 – ‘Riverway Policies’ – City Riverway Listen & Learn Event at Captain’s Room, Hunt Museum – 6-7.30pm
Friday, April 28 April – City Riverway Intergenerational Design Workshop at Chez Le Fab, Arthur’s Quay – 9.45-11.45am
For more information contact 061-407538 | www.limerick.ie/council/living-limerick-city-engage | [email protected]