Limerick autism march

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PARENTS, relatives and friends of children with autism and other difficulties are being asked to join the ‘March For Our Children’ in Limerick this coming Monday.

Marching under the slogan “Enough is enough,” the protest aims to raise awareness and to highlight the lack of facilities for children. The Limerick march will be one of many being organised nationwide and takes place on April 3.

Protestors will hand in a petition with almost 7,000 signatures to the offices of the HSE at the end of the march.


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Said Emma Fennell, one of the organisers and herself the mother of a child with autism, “we would really ask everyone who can make it to come put and march because many of the parents and children affected will not be able to march themselves. This is something which no-one ever thinks will affect them and then it does. It could be your child, your grandchild, a niece or a nephew but autism and disability affects and touches the lives of so many people”.

The march will make its way on the footpath “so as not to cause any disruption to traffic,” Emma said.

It will start at 10am and make its way up O’Connell Street, through Catherine Street and to the HSE offices.