HomeNewsTraveller halting site dispute escalates as accusations fly at Limerick council

Traveller halting site dispute escalates as accusations fly at Limerick council



A DISPUTE at three Traveller halting sites in Limerick city has sparked a stand off with Limerick City and County Council over living conditions with Travellers claiming they’re being ignored by the local authority.

The dispute at sites on Childers Road, Clonlong and Toppins Field escalated in recent days as signs and banners were erected claiming “Limerick City Council wouldn’t do work for us”. A 10ft sign was erected on a green area at the Childers Road site.

However the council say they are in regular contact with the Traveller groups and work with the Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee to “deal with issues as they arise”.

At Toppins Field, a wall was sprayed with red paint and messages that “Limerick City Council don’t do nothing for Toppins feild (sic) Irish Travellers Look at this”.

Travellers say that the council are ignoring their pleas for vital and essential works to be carried out. They claim they are not liked and prejudiced because of their background.

“We are not stupid. We see what is going on everywhere else and we can see that others, in social housing, are getting everything they want. We’re being forgotten, ignored just because the don’t care about travellers” one resident said.

“We want the council to do what they said they would but instead they’re just ignoring us and the place is a disgrace now. It’s wrecked.”

Residents say that conditions, if left unattended, will pose safety risks to families living at the sites. Personal injury claims linked to the sites are believed to have risen by as much as 33 per cent over the past 12 months.

A spokesperson for Limerick City Council said “it is committed to providing suitable accommodation to all of its customers.

“There is a repair and maintenance programme ongoing at the moment in relation to the traveller accommodation sites in Limerick.

“This contract is up for renewal shortly and, as per the legal regulations, a tender for the new contract is currently underway.

“Limerick City and County Council is in regular contact with the traveller groups and works with the Local Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee to deal with issues that arise.


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