HomeBusinessLimerick can be a counterbalance to Dublin, says Chamber

Limerick can be a counterbalance to Dublin, says Chamber


Limerick Chamber has said that the commencement of strategic planning and development framework for Ireland between now and 2040 paves the way to bring about economic balance across the nation.

Director of Policy with Limerick Chamber, Caroline Kelleher, said: “We welcome the recognition by the Government of the need to tap the underutilised potential of our regional cities with focused policies and investments to act as a counterbalance to Dublin.”

“It must be recognised that cities have a key role in the development of their hinterlands and driving growth for the wider region. It is positive to see the Government recognise the need to equip the regions with the right mix of physical and social infrastructure and further recognises the need for a coordinated approach to implementing the forthcoming Framework with particular emphasis on drawing together Government initiatives such as Rebuilding Ireland, the Action Plan for Rural Development and the Action Plan for Jobs among others.”

“If we want to be serious about obtaining balanced regional development, we must recognise the need for consistency between capital investment plans and strategic planning,” she added.

Ms Kelleher continued, “This discussion must advance the case of a number of key projects, not least the M20 motorway between Limerick and Cork, which will create a seamless motorway from Cork, taking in the cities of Limerick and Galway. This will act as a key conduit for economic development along a corridor that can be a powerful counterbalance to Dublin and, indeed, support Dublin by taking pressure off the capital.”

“It must also focus on making sure the environment is right for airports to grow as there’s a direct link between airport growth and regional development.  The more that Shannon can grow, the more region stands to grow.”

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