Have a Heart with Seamus Moran

Ray, to the left, impassions the elder lemon
Ray, to the left, impassions the elder lemon

THE idea of split personality is wonderful for theatre, especially the comedic kind that begs the mind to probe and the heart to reach.

Meet Seamus Moran, a household face through long years in ‘Fair City’, and other stories. A decade ago a one-many play came into his head and “I didn’t know that it wouldn’t leave me alone”.

This is ‘Have a Heart’, written and performed by Moran, directed by Liam Halligan and pulsing at the Belltable on Saturday November 19, 8pm.

Really, this is Seamus Moran on stage in four parts. Two of them are female but principally, two men who are wildly opposite but reconciled in one flesh.


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Ray, the workaholic young blade engaged to Diane, has his heart transplanted into the body of “an older, staid and sensible man. This is a battle between two completely contrasting characters in an older body, now with the heart of the younger enthusiastic character, Ray. What constantly happens is that the older man wants to give up [on challenges] but something in him does not let go.

“He has one friend, Martha, with whom he goes to theatre every so often but other than that lives a quiet life”.

What happened to create this hybrid persona? Ray crashes his car while tearing to a meeting on the weekend that his fiancée Diane had organised their engagement party. It is her birthday also. Ray has forgotten all about it, but clearly “has prioritised work over their private life”.

Further on, post o, his heart within another man is impulsed to seek out the bereaved fiancée with a new appreciation of love.

“‘Have a Heart’ is a soppy kind of love story, a detective story and this guy who keeps talking to himself. At one stage, a three way conversation is going on”.

The radio, clothing, sound and light changes, a tight script and inventive direction rattle these 70minutes along to a variety of conclusions. Choose your head or your heart to decide? 061-953400 or book online at venue manager www.limetreetheatre.ie
