Sing out Loud CD release to raise funds for assistance dog

sing out loudCHILDREN’S choir Sing out Loud is a mixed ability choir. Some members with mental and physical disabilities join in the fun and raise the roof regularly. The choir was founded and is directed by mother and daughter team Gretta Oโ€™Shea and Vanessa Finn who explain the philosophy

“Sing Out Loud is all about being yourself, about inspiring confidence but it is mostly about singing out loud and proud at the top of your lungs.”

The choir has recorded ABBA’s ‘I have a dream’ to raise some much needed funds for Kevin Mason who is a six year old profoundly autistic boy who is in need of an assistance dog.

Gretta explained to Limerick Post why the assistance dog would change the boy’s life.


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“Because of his challenging diagnoses Kevin has no real sense of danger, it was suggested by his care team that an Autism Service (assistance) dog from My Canine Companion would make a huge difference to Kevinโ€™s Life.

At this point Kevin is still in a buggy because of the dangers of the road; the dog would be immense help here. A dog would be of great help with Kevinโ€™s day to day challenges, be they sensory or auditory and would help with Kevinโ€™s interaction with other people on a day to day basis.”

The recording of ‘I Have a Dream’ was Limerick directed, recorded and produced and will be for sale for just โ‚ฌ5

Sing Out Loud will launch this CD on Monday September 12.
