HURLING. It has no equal. The fastest field game on earth, the best team sport on the planet. There is not better.
So does anyone know, reading this, why the art of hurling, so great as it is, is dying?
I have written at length in the past about the fact that only a hand full of counties play the game at the highest level. The GAA has really dropped the ball on their greatest asset. I know they are trying to grow the game globally and fair play to them for that, but surely the fact that all 32 counties do not field a hurling side is the bigger issue. Kilkenny’s dominance is great to watch and they deserve all the plaudits they get for winning what is in front of them. However, if the GAA are true to their founding fathers, then the promotion of the game in Ireland should be at the forefront of their minds. Yes, work is underway to help the ‘weaker’ counties, but there is a way to propel hurling into the limelight and instantly grow the game. Make every single county a dual county. No hurling? Then, no football either.