More help needed to keep Limerick families in their homes

Housing crisisPEOPLE in Limerick who cannot afford the full cost of private rented accommodation will receive greater assistance from the State from this Friday, July 1.

Social Protection Minister Leo Varadkar and Environment Minister Simon Coveney confirmed on Tuesday that the Cabinet had agreed to increase rent limits under the Rent Supplement and Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) schemes.

The increases in Limerick mean that a single person’s rent supplement will increase from €375 to €457.50. For a couple with two children, it will increase from €550 to €700 and for a couple with three children the increase will be from €600 to €750.

Fianna Fáil spokesperson on Social Protection, Willie O’Dea has welcomed the 22 per cent increase in rent supplement for Limerick.

Deputy O’Dea also says the Government’s decision to increase rent supplement, in line with the Confidence and Supply Agreement with Fianna Fáil, must be part of suite of measures designed to tackle the housing crisis.


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“Many families in Limerick are at risk of losing their homes due to rapidly rising rents. That’s why I campaigned consistently for an increase in rent supplement in the last Dáil and why Fianna Fáil put a rent supplement increase in our election manifesto and fought for an increase in rent supplement in the minority Government talks,” he told the Limerick Post.

“Despite serious Fine Gael opposition we forced through what is a vital measure to help people stay in their homes and prevent more families falling into homelessness. The Government’s decision to increase rent supplement by 22 per cent in Limerick will help in the short term.”

Deputy O’Dea also believes that ensuring the supplement reflects the reality of the market will also help stop the practice of illegal top ups that are putting families to the pin of their collar.

“However, these measures must be part of an overall housing package that will increase supply. The Government should act quickly on the recent all party Oireachtas Housing Committee recommendation to invest heavily in housing. Supply is the only long term solution to the crisis we are facing across Ireland today,” he said.

Limerick Fine Gael Senator Kieran O’Donnell has also welcomed the news that higher Rent Supplement limits are being introduced in Limerick to help with rising rents.

“Anyone in Limerick who has entered an informal top-up arrangement with their landlord is advised to contact their Community Welfare Service for assistance, as the Department of Social Protection will regularise these top-ups in most cases. This will provide more stability for tenants in Limerick and reduce the danger of families becoming homeless,” said Senator O’Donnell.

“It is vital that landlords do not abuse this relieving measure by looking to increase rents on hard-pressed tenants and families,” he added.

Threshold, the national housing charity, believe these latest measures will help to ensure that families right across the country secure accommodation and can afford to remain in their homes.

“These measures reflect the fact that rents are rising exponentially and with increased limits, comes increased stability and a lower risk of homelessness. One-fifth of families in Ireland now rent their homes, and Threshold has been calling for some time for reform of the rent supplement scheme, including an increase in rent supplement limits to bring them in line with market rents,” said Threshold manager Stephen Large.

by Alan Jacques

[email protected]
