Join Limerick’s voters in Tres Court International Film Fest

Selfie, a scary short by Spain’s Roger Villarroya, is listed this year. Belltable, June 3, 8pm
Selfie, a scary short by Spain’s Roger Villarroya, is listed this year. Belltable, June 3, 8pm

THREE years ago a €12,000 grant from City of Culture secured the Tres Court International Film Festival for Limerick through Alliance Francaise (AF).

This Friday June 3, 8pm, 18th Tres Court (‘very short’) will screen 40 international class films lasting less than three minutes, simultaneously with 30 countries. Belltable is venue.

The premise is that each audience member votes for their top three, handing in their ballot for this global count. Each country’s spreadsheet is tallied and the international winning film is announced online.

Tres Court (o12s) has proved a smash hit for AFL. It lures screen buffs and film makers alike to marvel at the ingenuity of technique as much as the emotional high and storylines that manifest in 180 seconds. Quality of output is stunning.


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This Arts page hack has been magnetised by the fast reel of entertainment since the start  and for my sins (undeclared), will launch the 2016 festival on Friday  at 7.45pm. It’s taking place worldwide, from Azerbaijan to Venezuela.

It took groundwork in Paris between festival organisers and AFL’s coordinatrice culturelle Anne Blondelle to clinch the tie-in. She is based at No. 7 Pery Square where the Alliance teaches and hosts events.

Of the film entry system, Anne says: “It is open to all countries and to everybody. Film makers post their work online to Nanosphere Productions at by mid February annually.

Weekly screenings at play on one theme
Weekly screenings at play on one theme

“About 500 shorts were seen by the international panel that makes the final selection”. Ultimately 90 cities have access to the films selected which is incredible exposure and incredible incentive to be a successful candidate.

Now with local sponsors Mickey Martin’s, The French Table and No. 1 Pery Square, they have built up a Limerick event of packed houses (tickets €10 and €8

The cinema goer becomes decision-maker on the inventiveness of the world’s film makers, those emerging and established.

As colleague Maria Hensey of AFL’s board of management observes, “Some films are emotional, some violent or very violent, some animated, some experimental or humorous. To be able to say something in three minutes – and not selling something – to touch the viewer someway, is amazing. It’s such a great opportunity to involve people in Limerick in this way”.

Their Limerick president Kate Fleming credits these professionals with commitment to the cause, underlining the work it is by few to platform Tres Court. This  Thursday 2, Mickey Martin’s is screening films viewed by 700 of us over the last two years from 8pm; show up at Belltable for Friday 3’s roll out. Venue booking at
