Military and Pipe Bands lead in for ‘A Nation’s Song 1916-2016’

Pipers, military band, signing soloists, piper solo and Irish World Academy Choir
Pipers, military band, signing soloists, piper solo and Irish World Academy Choir

PLANNING for University Concert Hall’s commemorative ‘A Nation’s Song 1916-2016’ began a year back “when looking ahead as to what Limerick was doing musically for 1916’s centenary, there did not seemed to be a whole lot on,” recalls UCH director Sinead Hope.

Spool forward and a great deal has come together, working with the music corps of the Defence Forces, the Irish World Academy Choir and world class soloists from Limerick.

The outcome is a showcasing of top-flight native talent. Timing was pushed back to May for stand-alone definition and in recognition of Limerick’s executions after the Proclamation, Con Colbert and Ned Daly, who were not signees.

From Newcastle West, Mairead Buicke, as with Gilhooly, as form in singing with the Army Band No. 1 (Dublin)
From Newcastle West, Mairead Buicke, as with Gilhooly, as form in singing with the Army Band No. 1 (Dublin)

On Saturday May 21, the Military and Pipe Bands of the Defence Forces, under Lieutenant Colonel Mark Armstrong, are in concert with singers Owen Gilhooly, Mairéad Buicke, uileann piper Pádraic Keane and the IWA Choir under Maire Keary-Scanlon. The band is mixed: Band 1 Brigade (Cork), Band 2 Brigade (Athlone) and the Army No.1 Band (Dublin).


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Owen Gilhooly, tenor, at UCH on May 21
Owen Gilhooly, tenor, at UCH on May 21

What’s on the programme? The Irish Army March, The Boys of Wexford, Finnegan’s Wake and Limerick’s Lament. RTE lyric fm’s Lorcan Murray will present, and skilled arranger/ musician Lt Col Armstrong makes the point that “we have a lot of moving parts to this concert. It’s a composite Defence Forces band, 55 on stage and some pipers are coming with us”.

Of the uplifting tone throughout, the Lt. Col. underlines it is “mainly Irish music and showing a century of song. All music by the military band will have an Irish flavour, as with that by the soloists – Mairead is singing ‘I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls’ and Owen, ‘Macushla’”. Incorporating Padraic Keane, there will independent parts and then, everybody singing and playing harmoniously in unison.

For the concert hall to close its centenary ceremonies, on Sunday 22 UCH will screen ‘Mise Eire’ at 3pm. Book your place on
