Limerick all ages show for YouTube star BRY

bryYOUNG singer/ songwriter Bry along with his wife Candice are an Internet sensation. The Irishman’s life goal is to travel to (and perform in) every single country in the world. Thus far, 61 countries have been ticked off the list in just a few years.

Bry and Candice describe themselves as an Irish couple who “got married too young and argue all the time but also travel all over the world so that’s nice.” The couple’s adventures posted online have already had over five million YouTube views.

Emboldened by the growth of their followers online, 60,000 Facebook fans, 200,000 Twitter followers and 5,117,598 YouTube views, Bry set out to take his music from the online sphere and into the physical world.

Forging a real connection with his followers through personalised videos and Question and Answer web chats, his confidence grew and his repertoire expanded.


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Operating without a manager, booking agent or record label for three years, he booked trips overseas, tweeting his intention to be in a certain city at a set time, and then waiting with his guitar in tow to see who might show up.

This approach drew 80 people to Central Park in New York and 120 more to Tallinn, Estonia, among others – tangible evidence of a loyal, committed community that was building. This led to sell-out tours in Australia and the UK in 2013/2014.

Bry is now signed to Northern Ireland label Polar Patrol Publishing and has a debut album due for release this year.

Bry’s debut single ‘Don’t Go Alone’ is deceptive at first, putting listeners at ease with an upbeat tempo and affable melodies. An unpicking of its lyrics reveals something darker, however.

“I like to make happy pop songs with darker lyrics. This single is about a supporter of mine going through depression and subsequently, failing to get through it in the end.”

Bry will play an all-ages show (no bar facilities) at the Kasbah Social Club on Sunday April 24 from 6pm.
