PADDY Brennan produced the sell-out three CD compilation Limerick on Record in 2012 and has set himself the ambitious challenge to publish a book on the last 200 years of music making in Limerick City.

Paddy Brennan
Picture: Adrian Butler
Paddy is also the man behind the Limerick Rock ‘n’ Roll Club and the producer of DVDs and CDs on the careers of Limerick legends Grannies Intentions and Reform so is well placed to take on the daunting of task of gathering together a wealth of information on Limerick’s music makers. The book will explore many aspects of music making from the classical musicians, brass bands and opera singers of the 1800’s to rock band’s, recording studios and singer/songwriters of recent decades.
While Paddy already owns an enviable collection of memorabilia on Limerick’s music history he is making an appeal to the public for original photographs, tickets and flyers relating to music making in Limerick. Paddy will collect memorabilia, scan the artwork and return back to its owner within days.
If you have any memorabilia you would like to share with the project, get in contact with Paddy Brennan at (087)283 7141 or by email [email protected] before his deadline of April 30.