GARDAI in Limerick are investigating a number of thefts including one where a woman got out of a car under the flagpoles at the University of Limerick and attempted to snatch a handbag from a 24-year-old pedestrian last Thursday.
The woman failed to get the handbag but Gardai are appealing for witnesses to the incident or may recognise the red Ford Focus car she was driving.
Gardaรญ are also attempting to trace a Honda ride-on lawnmower that was stolen from a house at Carrowbanebeg, Loughill, near Foynes between Holy Thursday and Good Friday.
On Easter Saturday, an Ifor Williams builderโs trailer was stolen from Croke Park, Croagh, County Limerick.
Gardai at Newcastle West on 069 20650ย are seeking information on a blue Ford Transit or Toyota Hiace seen acting suspiciously in the area at the time.
Two calves were stolen from land at Eyon, Murroe last Monday night March 21 while another calf was stolen from the same location at about 7pm on Easter Saturday.ย Gardai at Bruff are investigating and can be contacted on 061 382940 or 1800 666 111.