HomeNewsReal Food Real Easy from Val's Kitchen in #Limerick

Real Food Real Easy from Val’s Kitchen in #Limerick


@valoconnor will launch her third book on Tuesday April 5 next at O'Mahony's Book Store
Val O’Connor will launch her third book on Tuesday April 5 next at O’Mahony’s Book Store

A FAMOUS face amongst #Limerick foodies, Valerie O’Connor @valoconnor has now taken her years of blogging and put it between the covers of her new book, Val’s Kitchen, Real Food, Real Easy.

Described as a “A family cookbook for today”, award winning cookery writer Valerie has taken us in to her home kitchen with recipes for family favourites like chicken casserole and baked apples, to meals inspired by her travels like Cuban chicken rice and Greek roasted fish.

From traditional picnic food, delicious muffins and best ever brownies, to filling your larder with homemade drinks and pickles and growing your own veg, this is home cooking with a modern twist.

As a mother of two teens, Valerie knows that time spent in the kitchen is unavoidable if you want to nourish yourself and your family – but it needn’t be a chore.

Discover how easy and enjoyable it can be to create delicious and nutritious homecooked meals, treats and pantry staples for you and your family.

Her new book, ‘Vals Kitchen, Real Food, Real Easy’ is out now and is available at all good book shops in Limerick and beyond.

Val, who has two other published works on the bread, will launch her third book on Tuesday April 5 next at O’Mahony’s Book Store at 6.30pm.

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