HomeBusiness1,800 start-ups compete for best small business award

1,800 start-ups compete for best small business award



awardsWITH a history of assisting 1,800 start-up companies in the last five years, the Mid West Local Development Company (LDC) Enterprise Network is going a step further as it begins the search for the best in small business with its inaugural Enterprise Awards.

Their common theme of the 1,800 start-ups – they were all founded by individuals moving from unemployment to self-employment. The LDC Enterprise Awards will celebrate their achievements and their contribution to the economic recovery of the Mid West.

Any businesses supported by their Local Development Company between 2011 and 2015 and who availed of either the Back to Work Enterprise Allowance and Short Term Enterprise Allowance from Department of Social Protection can apply.

Information and Application Forms for interested businesses are available from Local Development Companies in the Mid West Region. Closing date is 5pm, April 22nd 2016.

Regional winners will be announced at a gala awards ceremony in The Inn at Dromoland on May 19 next and will go forward to the National LDC Enterprise Awards in September.

Elaine MacGrath, PAUL Partnership, said,

“The LDC Mid West Enterprise Awards are about recognising the hard work and effort that is put in by each individual in starting their business and moving away from unemployment. It will also give local businesses an excellent opportunity to build their profile locally, regionally, and nationally”

The members of the Mid West LDC Enterprise Network are Ballyhoura Development, Clare Local Development Company, North Tipperary LEADER Partnership, PAUL Partnership, South Tipperary Development Company and West Limerick Resources.


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