No job prospects for forgotten Limerick towns

n7motorwayTOWNS like Kilmallock, Kilfinane, Bruff, Bruree, Croom and Adare have no opportunity to attract investment and create jobs if there isn’t the infrastructure that companies need to carry out their day to day business.

This is the view of Social Democrats’ General Election candidate for Limerick County, Senator James Heffernan

“Our towns that are off the main thoroughfare are forgotten towns and our communities are being eroded because people are forced to travel into the big cities and towns to find work. If we are serious about creating jobs in the future, we need to show businesses that we have the infrastructure that they need,” Heffernan told the Limerick Post.

“We already have the intelligent workforce, all we need now is the infrastructure.”


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Senator Heffernan has said he has been reassured by professionals in the area of motorway construction in Austria and Hungry that there are ways to bring about the Limerick to Cork motorway project without a negative impact on the exchequer.

“Regions such as this one have been ignored continuously by this government and the last. By not eroding the tax base there will be state funding available to provide infrastructure that regions needs. High quality roads such as the M20 and fast, affordable broadband are to essential pieces of infrastructure that will ensure our small towns grow.”
