Diana, the homecoming queen

Friar's Gate on January 29, Belltable on January 30
Friar’s Gate on January 29, Belltable on January 30

LIMERICK Post pages informed you long since of the civic honours bestowed on actor/ playwright Myles Breen and his shared theatre company, Bottom Dog, which has Liam O’Brien as artistic director.

These joint and several Cultural Ambassadors for Limerick are on the road again with their first original play, Breen’s ‘Language Unbecoming a Lady’. ‘Language’ is the story of sweet, ageing bachelor Robert who morphs into the sultry and commanding Diana at night, leaning to “the music of the divas who provide comfort, strength and inspiration”.

Wonderfully written and performed, direction and stage management keep it taut and the inner journey interesting. Bottom Dog return to Friars’ Gate in Kilmallock on Friday January 29 and on to Belltable, O’Connell Street for Saturday January 30, 8pm.

Liam O’Brien makes the point this production was nominated for several awards in New York, at Origin’s First Irish Theatre Festival during September 2015. These were Best New Play, Best Production, and the gong that Myles Breen took home, Best Actor.


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