Breen and Bottom Dog decreed Limerick’s Cultural Ambassadors

Left, John A Murphy, Liam O’Brien, Mayor of Limerick Liam Galvin, Myles, Mike Bourke and Pius McGrath at County Hall  Photo: Liam Bourke/ Press 22
Left, John A Murphy, Liam O’Brien, Mayor of Limerick Liam Galvin, Myles, Mike Bourke and Pius McGrath at County Hall
Photo: Liam Bourke/ Press 22

IT was an audience of another kind, of councillors, officials, family and friends when  Mayor of Limerick Liam Galvin bestowed civic honours on actor Myles Breen, and Bottom Dog Theatre Company.

Myles  is man for all seasons as decreed in his official scroll, acknowledged Cultural Ambassador for Limerick. Likewise, Liam O’Brien  accepted equivalent title for his theatre company shared with Myles, Mike Bourke (production management), John A Murphy (actor/ director) and Pius McGrath (actor/ technician/ producer).

Mayor of City and County Limerick cllr Liam Galvin congratulated Myles – Best Actor in New York’s Origins Irish Theatre Festival 2015 – and Bottom Dog for their “wonderful, wonderful achievement.. what they have done individually and combined is significant”.

Left, Pius McGrath, Ann O’Brien with Liam and with Tara Doolan of Honest Arts Production Company   Photo: Liam Bourke/ Press 22
Left, Pius McGrath, Ann O’Brien with Liam and with Tara Doolan of Honest Arts Production Company Photo: Liam Bourke/ Press 22

The Council’s senior executive Christy O’Connor hosted their reception with humour (“we see a bit of acting here ourselves in council chamber”), supported by Limerick Arts Officer Sheila Deegan and Mike Fitzpatrick of #Limerick2020, councillors Daniel Butler, Joe Crowley, Maria Byrne and more as well as venue managers, theatre peers and  proud fans of this ambassadorial squad.


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Mar a dúirt Mr O’Connor faoi Myles O Broin, an scéal a bhain leis an honór ná “as a bheith ambassador cultúrtha le blianta fada agus an aisteor is fearr at Origins in New York“.

Mayor Galvin looked back to when Bottom Dog’s premier of ‘The Bachelor of Kilkish’, written by this South Circular Road man, was one of the projects for City of Culture made possible by the c.€10million that emerged, between funding, benefit-in-kind and public/ private partnerships.

“There were tangible, positive results for the local community. In 2014 City of Culture proved a unique appetite to showcase Limerick to Ireland and the rest of the world. Bottom Dog featured prominently in that.

Myles Breen as Robert/ Diana in 'Language Unbecoming a Lady'.  He won 2015's Best Actor award at New York's Origins theatre festival Photo: Ken Coleman
Myles Breen as Robert/ Diana in ‘Language Unbecoming a Lady’. He won 2015’s Best Actor award at New York’s Origins theatre festival
Photo: Ken Coleman

“Limerick is well placed to grow its status based on its being a cultural hub”.

The Mayor’s statement was underpinned by his presence in November at the Dublin Castle presentation made by Team Limerick2020 that shortlisted the city for European Capital of Culture 2020.

Back to the Ambassadors, for whom collaboration, artistic achievement and supportive “fans who buy tickets” remain uppermost.

“Language Unbecoming a Lady’ was not a one-man show by any means,” Myles acknowledged of his Manhattan winner, which he wrote and performs. He was  lead actor in ‘What Happened Bridgie Cleary’, acting with Pius McGrath and Joanne Ryan (Irish Times Best Actress nomination 2014). The   Tom McIntyre play was directed by John Murphy and produced by Liam O’Brien,

A new play by Myles Breen, ‘The Book of Joe’, has received Arts Council funding.

Speaking to Limerick Post, he addressed the rough and the smooth: “I am fortunate to work in a business that I love, am passionate about, and do it in my home town, Limerick City.Theatre though, can be a tough game with good times and bad times. The recognition of both my own and Bottom Dog Theatre Company’s  contribution to the cultural life of Limerick City is  a huge honour and wipes away memories of the bad times.

“For me personally to be recognised  is humbling, because I know that any success I have had is due to  the support of my family, friends,  colleagues and the people of

Founding member and production manager, Mike Bourke with Mick Dolan - who with his wife Valerie has done much to foster theatre in Limerick Photo: Liam Bourke/ Press 22
Founding member and production manager, Mike Bourke with Mick Dolan – who with his wife Valerie has done much to foster theatre in Limerick
Photo: Liam Bourke/ Press 22


Accepting the scroll for Bottom Dog, Liam O’Brien underlined that “it is very important for us to receive this award as a company. While we are seen as individuals and artists and singers, working as a team is essential to us.

“We have a very special relationship as a company where we have each other and it’s very special honour to be recognised as a company that creates and promotes theatre as the art form that it is.

“We are all artists of a different age who have been inspired by different artists. Theatre is a difficult art form to pursue”.

Invoking all that City of Culture made possible in working across the art forms, he made clear that Bottom Dog will “continue this great legacy of arts we have in the city”.

Left Sheila Deegan, Arts Officer Limerick City & County Council, Nicola Haran Breen, Maary Breen, Anne Breen McCarthy,  Mike Fitzpatrick, Director Limerick European Capital of Culture Bid, Limerick City and County Council - ‎Limerick City and County Council, Olivia Breen(20months), Michael Breen, Pat McCarthy and Larry Breen.  Photograph Liam Burke/Press 22
Left Sheila Deegan, Arts Officer Limerick; Nicola Haran Breen, Mary Breen, Anne Breen McCarthy, Mayor Liam Galvin;  Mike Fitzpatrick, Director Limerick European Capital of Culture Bid; Olivia Breen (20 months), Michael Breen, Pat McCarthy and Larry Breen Photo: Liam Burke/Press 22


Editor’s note:  Myles is starring in ‘Sleeping Beauty’ pantomime at UCH twice daily (exceptions) until January 3rd, with Keith Duffy, Leanne Moore, Hilda Fay, George McMahon, Richie Hayes and Richard Lynch.

