Shepherds, their animals and Baby Jesus at Adare

NativityTHIS Sunday December 20 will see Adare village host its ‘live crib’ concept for the 19th year. All are welcome to come and be adoring throughout the afternoon as the parish opens arms and alms in the true spirit of the season.

It’s located in the stable yard of Fr Moriarty’s house, the entrance being to the side of Dunraven Arms Hotel. There will be a festive atmosphere and Arts page has word of “mulled wine and refreshments generously provided by local hostelries”.

Admission is free but donations are welcome, sent on to projects through Africa as well as The Philippines, Haiti and Chernobyl Orphanage.

“The popularity of the event never wanes,” comments villager, Anne Mordan. “It captures the very essence of Christmas with live babies, live Holy Families, live animals, live shepherds and plenty of live carol-singers all adding to the atmosphere and authenticity of the event”.


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From grand-parents to babes in arms, everybody is welcome to this delightful embrace of the birth of Our Lord, Jesus Christ that has a focus on need throughout the world.
