ESTABLISHED and emerging writers are invited by Limerick Writers Centre to contribute to a collection of writing to do with 1916 and any revision of same.
The working title is ’1916 Today: An Anthology of Reaction’. December 31 of this year is the deadline for submissions which are to be limited to a word count tops of 2,000. Appropriate graphics are welcome. Poetry is also welcome with a cap on three works.
Long term collaborators John Liddy and Dominic Taylor are editors and the Centre will publish.
“The aim behind this anthology is to give voice to as wide a section of people on what 1916 means to them today,” Dominic tells Arts page. “For most Irish people it focuses our thoughts on The Easter Rising and the men and women who took part in that audacious event.
“We are inexplicitly linked to that rebellion today as we live in a Republic. The Proclamation is the creed of that declared Republic outside the GPO in April 1916 but still, almost a hundred years later, many of its sentiments lie dormant, unfulfilled. The legacy of 1916 continues to play a tantalising role in our lives”.
Talk to Dominic at No. 12 Barrington Street, tel. 087-2996409 . Articles/ poems are to be emailed only in one ‘Word’ document to [email protected]